5 Fun and Affordable Ways to Show Your Customers You Love Them This Valentine

Everyone loves to be treated specially and shown love and that includes your customers and clients. Just returning from the Christmas holidays, you probably sent out gifts to your customers, however you can never say I love you enough. So here are some fun and affordable ways to show you care this Valentine’s period. 

1. Send a thank you note: This old school method is still as effective today. Make it handwritten and it doubles the effect.

2. Give coupons: Give customers a breather by offering them coupons. You will end up stimulating sales as well as creating loyalty.

3. Ask for feedback: Spend a little more time with customers as they visit your business. Ask them how your product or service is working for them and get their suggestions on how to improve. They will know that you care and value their opinion.

4. Share your knowledge: Whether you are an expert at what you do or not, your customers most likely look at you as one. In addition to your product or service, share information that can help them.

5. Cookies, Chocolates and Sweets: Though you don’t have to package and send this to all your customers, have some at your front desk area and customers can nibble when they visit.

Taking the time and effort to show your customers you care will make you stand out and build loyalty. Remember it’s the thought that counts.

Share how you appreciate your customers in the comments below.


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